User Registration


If you already have an account you can Click here to find your account, Click here to reset your password or Contact Us if you are having an issue using your account.

Please avoid creating a second account

Why are we asking for this data?
As a Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility, the Joint Genome Institute is required to report on a limited set of information relating to our users on an annual and ad-hoc basis. The required fields below are included in the information provided to DOE. Potentially sensitive information, such as citizenship, is password-protected and accessible only to a limited number of JGI and DOE staff, as needed.

Continuing federal support for the JGI depends on the participation of our User community. It is important that we gather accurate and complete information for every JGI User. Please verify that each of the fields associated with your Single Sign-On account is up-to-date and complete.

Thank you for working with us!

Demographic information (optional):

Why are we asking for this data?
In addition to the required user metadata collected above, the DOE also requests additional demographic information. Sharing this information is voluntary; while it is not required by DOE, it is used to understand the diversity of JGI's user base. This potentially sensitive information is password-protected and accessible only to a limited number of JGI and DOE staff, as needed.

* Required Field
** Required if Country is United States